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- HUAWEI: 3G Base Station Infrastructure Installation in Eastern Anatolia Region
- GSM OPERATERS: TURK TELEKOM, NOKIA: GSM Base Stations Installation Services
- NOVATEL ILETISIM A.S.: DENİZLI Wireless Communication Towers, Container and other infrastructure installation
- GEORGIA: NOKIA – GSM OPERATER GEOCELL: More than 500 GSM Base Station Installations
- MIKROLINK TELEKOM for TURK TELEKOM: 4.5G Indoor Antenna Installation
- NOVATEL ILETISİM A.S.: in provinces KONYA, NIGDE, NEVSEHIR, AKSARAY, KARAMAN, KIRSEHIR: in the scope of SCADA Infrastructure – Wireless Communication Systems Installation
- ERICSSON: ML and Indoor equıipments installattion for TURKCELL-SUPERONLINE in Bursa and İzmit
- NOVATEL ILETISİM A.S: Izmir-Aliaga-PETKIM: 50m Wireless Communication Tower Installation
- ERICSSON: in the provinces of Bursa and Izmit: TURKCELL and SUPERONLINE Micro link and Infrastructure Installation